The Astrological Significance of Eclipse Energy: A Cosmic Reset Button

Astrology and Eclipse Energy Sarah Cornforth Astrology

The Astrological Significance of Eclipse Energy: A Cosmic Reset Button

Eclipses have been a subject of fascination, awe, and sometimes fear, for as long as human eyes have gazed upon the heavens. Scientifically speaking, an eclipse occurs when one celestial body moves into the shadow of another. A solar eclipse transpires when the New Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting its shadow upon the Earth's surface. Conversely, a lunar eclipse takes place when the Earth's shadow falls on the Full Moon as it moves in its orbit. These are not merely grand spectacles in the sky; they are celestial ballets, choreographed by the intricate laws of physics and astronomy.

In the world of astrology, however, eclipses are much more than mere alignments of celestial orbs. They are potent portals for transformation, change, and revelation. Astrologically speaking, eclipses are turbo-charged New and Full Moons, often catalysing events or situations that can lead to significant shifts in our lives. They occur close to the lunar nodes, thereby signifying a fateful interplay of cosmic energies. In essence, eclipses in astrology serve as cosmic messengers, beckoning us towards our destiny and urging us to pay attention to critical areas of our lives.

So, could an eclipse mark a turning point in your life?

The answer is a resounding "yes." As we delve deeper into the science and spirituality behind eclipse energy, you may find that these celestial phenomena can be the catalysts for your personal and spiritual growth, inviting you to re-evaluate your path, make vital changes, and even transform your future.

Stay with me as we journey through the celestial and metaphysical dimensions of eclipses, unravelling their hidden power to effect profound change.

When is the Next Eclipse Event?

As we delve into the transformative nature of eclipses, you might be wondering when the next celestial show will grace our skies. The last eclipse season of 2023 is poised to be a pivotal one, occurring in the month of October.

Mark your calendars for two significant events:

  1. A New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 14th of October.
  2. A Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 28th of October.

These upcoming eclipses are not just celestial phenomena; they are energetic opportunities, each with their own astrological implications. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra focuses on relationships and balance, providing a potent time to set new intentions in these areas. On the other hand, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will likely highlight issues related to security and material possessions, making it an optimal time for letting go and releasing.

Don't miss this chance to engage with the energies of the final eclipse season of 2023; it promises to be a transformative period that could act as a fulcrum for important shifts in your life.

The Science of Eclipses

As celestial events that have captivated human imagination for millennia, eclipses are both awe-inspiring and scientifically intriguing. Understanding their mechanics can offer us not just a deeper appreciation for astronomy but also insight into why they are such important events in astrology.

Solar Eclipse vs. Lunar Eclipse: A Brief Overview

In the simplest terms, an eclipse occurs when one celestial body moves into the shadow of another. The two main types of eclipses that concern us here are solar and lunar.

  • Solar Eclipse: This happens when the New Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, obscuring the Sun either partially or entirely from view. Solar eclipses are further classified into three types: partial, annular, and total. In a total solar eclipse, the Sun is entirely covered by the Moon, creating a magical moment of day turning into night for a brief period.
  • Lunar Eclipse: On the other hand, a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the Sun and the Full Moon, casting its shadow upon the Moon. Lunar eclipses can also be partial or total, depending on how much of the Moon passes through the Earth’s umbral shadow.

When and Why Eclipses Happen

Eclipses don't occur every month, despite the regular orbits of the Earth and Moon, due to the tilt of the Moon’s orbital plane relative to the Earth’s orbital plane around the Sun. For an eclipse to happen, the Sun, Earth, and Moon must align precisely, which occurs only when the Moon's orbit intersects the Earth's orbital plane—these intersection points are called "nodes."

Solar and lunar eclipses usually come in pairs, occurring approximately two weeks apart, during what is known as an "eclipse season." Eclipse seasons happen roughly every six months.

The Saros Cycle and Its Significance

The timing of eclipses is not random; it's governed by an 18-year, 11-day period known as the Saros cycle. One Saros after an eclipse, a nearly identical eclipse will occur. This cycle has been known since ancient times and is crucial for predicting when eclipses will happen. The Saros cycle is significant not just for scientific prediction but also for astrological interpretations, as it helps to understand the recurring themes or issues that might resurface every 18 years.

By fusing our scientific understanding with astrological wisdom, we can better appreciate why eclipses have been considered powerful omens and opportunities for change throughout history. The celestial mechanics behind these phenomena are not just awe-inspiring but offer a cosmic mirror reflecting the potential for transformation and growth in our individual lives.

Astrological View on Eclipses

While science gives us the mechanics of how eclipses happen, astrology provides us with the language to understand their deeper, more personal significance. In this section, we'll explore the astrological factors that make eclipses such impactful events, focusing on the role of the Moon’s nodes, the concept of eclipse seasons, and the astrological houses and signs most affected.

The Role of the Moon’s Nodes

In astrology, the Moon's nodes—known as the North Node and the South Node—are crucial players in the drama of an eclipse. These nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbit crosses the Earth’s ecliptic plane. The North Node is often associated with our destiny, lessons we need to learn, and qualities we need to develop. In contrast, the South Node relates to our past, traits we are most comfortable with but may need to move away from for our growth.

An eclipse occurs when a New or Full Moon happens close to one of these nodal points, serving as cosmic triggers. They magnify the themes associated with the houses and signs where the nodes are located in your natal chart. Simply put, when an eclipse interacts with your Moon's nodes, expect significant events that nudge you closer to your destiny or encourage you to leave behind outdated patterns.

Eclipse Seasons

Eclipses come in seasons, generally occurring in pairs or sometimes trios, approximately every six months. During an eclipse season, the energies are heightened; the universe seems to insist on accelerated growth and unexpected turns. It's as if the cosmos presses a 'fast-forward' button on our life events, making eclipse seasons a period of profound transformation and opportunity.

Eclipses in the same season are usually part of the same family, tied together by the Saros Cycle we discussed earlier. Therefore, themes or situations that arise during one eclipse season may find a resolution or a 'next chapter' 18 years later, during the same Saros Cycle.

The Houses and Signs Most Affected

Eclipses can touch us all in some way, but the most significant impacts are felt when they activate sensitive points in our natal charts. The astrological houses where the eclipses occur tell us which areas of life will see the most action—be it relationships (7th House), career (10th House), self (1st House), or home life (4th House).

Similarly, the zodiac signs where the eclipses take place indicate specific energies and themes that will be highlighted. For example, Cancer-Capricorn eclipses might bring up themes around family and career, while Gemini-Sagittarius eclipses could stir up issues related to communication and belief systems.

Understanding these astrological nuances can give you a strategic advantage, helping you navigate the transformative energies with more clarity and purpose. Whether you're looking to break free from the past or aiming to seize future opportunities, knowing the houses and signs affected in your chart during an eclipse can serve as your celestial roadmap.

Eclipse Energy: Transformation and Release

Eclipses are more than just celestial events to marvel at; they are powerful catalysts for transformation and change, often leaving a lasting imprint on our lives. In this section, we'll discuss the unique energies that eclipses unleash, delve into their transformative potential, and explore instances, both historical and personal, where eclipse energy has been palpably felt.

The Energies Unleashed During an Eclipse

Astrologically speaking, eclipses serve as cosmic gateways that funnel intense, concentrated energy into our lives. Think of this energy as a surge of universal life force that seeks to realign us with our true path. It's like a cosmic reboot for the soul, pushing us to reassess our priorities, make significant changes, and sometimes, turn our lives upside down.

During solar eclipses, the energy is often about new beginnings or significant shifts forward. Lunar eclipses, on the other hand, often focus on culmination, release, and letting go. Both types of eclipse energy create a fertile ground for sudden insights, revelations, and opportunities that can dramatically propel us forward on our life path.

How Eclipses Can Bring About Profound Changes, Unexpected Events, or Revelations

The transformative power of eclipses can manifest in myriad ways. You might find yourself making life-changing decisions rather impulsively, or suddenly recognising a truth that has long been hidden from you. Relationships may deepen or disintegrate, careers might take a new direction, or you could experience a profound spiritual awakening.

Moreover, the houses and signs activated during the eclipse can give you a clue about what areas of life you can expect these transformative changes to occur in. For example, an eclipse in your 7th house might usher in a new relationship or bring issues in a current one to the surface, demanding resolution.

Examples of Historical Events or Personal Stories That Align With Eclipse Energy

Eclipses have been associated with significant historical events, both good and bad. For instance, the solar eclipse of August 1999 coincided with the outbreak of hostilities in East Timor, while the one in July 2019 was notably close to when the U.S. women's soccer team won the World Cup, sparking conversations about gender equality in sports.

On a personal level, many report major life events occurring around the time of eclipses.

Whether you observe their influence on a global scale or witness their transformative power in your individual life, the energy unleashed by eclipses can be a potent catalyst for change. Understanding this can help us navigate these periods with greater clarity and purpose, allowing us to embrace the transformation they bring as part of our spiritual evolution.

As we peel back the layers of our understanding, it becomes clear that eclipses are more than just physical phenomena. They are opportunities for deep personal and collective transformation, serving as critical junctures on our path to growth and enlightenment. Stay tuned for our next section, where we'll explore practical ways to harness this potent eclipse energy for your personal and spiritual development.

Navigating Eclipse Energies

Navigating eclipse energies can be a bit like sailing through choppy waters; the seascape changes rapidly, and it requires your full attention to manoeuvre successfully. In this section, we'll go through some dos and don'ts for eclipse seasons, offer personal tips for harnessing this potent energy for your growth, and discuss astrological aspects you might want to keep an eye on.

Dos and Don'ts During Eclipse Seasons


  1. Reflect and Journal: Take time to jot down your thoughts, feelings, and insights. Writing helps to clarify your mind and can serve as a useful point of reference later.
  2. Listen to Your Intuition: Your gut feelings are often heightened during eclipse seasons. Trust your instincts.
  3. Be Open to Change: Eclipses often bring the unexpected. Embrace it and be adaptable.
  4. Set Intentions: Especially potent during solar eclipses, setting clear intentions can help you harness the energy for positive change.


  1. Make Impulsive Decisions: The energy during an eclipse can be volatile, so avoid making major life decisions unless you've given them proper thought.
  2. Ignore Emotional Signals: Emotional ups and downs are common; don't brush them aside.
  3. Resist Change: Change is the essence of eclipse energy, resisting it will only make the transition harder.
  4. Skip Self-Care: Eclipses can be draining. Make sure to take time for self-care.

Personal Tips on How to Harness This Energy for Personal Growth

  1. Meditate and Visualise: Use the potent energy to delve into a deeper state of consciousness. Picture the life you want to create in vivid detail.
  2. Seek Guidance: Whether it's consulting your natal chart, speaking to a trusted astrologer, or tapping into your spiritual practice, seek guidance to navigate through the fog.
  3. Connect with Nature: Earthly energies can help ground you when celestial energies are running high.
  4. Be Patient: The full impact of an eclipse can take time to manifest. Keep your eyes and heart open to the lessons or opportunities that may unfold in the weeks or even months following.

Astrological Aspects to Pay Attention To

  1. Sun-Moon Aspects: Pay close attention to how the Sun and Moon are aspecting your natal planets during an eclipse. This will give you clues as to what areas of life are likely to be most affected.
  2. Personal Planets: Eclipses that make aspects to your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars can trigger significant personal developments.
  3. Outer Planets: When an eclipse aspects outer planets like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto in your natal chart, it may indicate more profound, long-lasting changes.

Navigating eclipse energy is not for the faint of heart, but with a little preparation and awareness, it can be an enlightening experience. As we've seen, these celestial events offer incredible opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. By understanding their nuances and respecting their potency, you can better position yourself to harness their transformative power.

Rituals and Spiritual Practices

As powerful gateways for transformation, eclipses offer a unique opportunity to engage in rituals and spiritual practices that can help us attune to their potent energy. In this section, we'll explore some suggested practices that can guide you in making the most of eclipse energies, how to prepare your mind and space for the cosmic event, and tools like crystals, herbs, or mantras that can enhance the experience.

Suggested Rituals or Spiritual Practices to Make the Most of Eclipse Energies

  1. Eclipse Manifestation Ritual: Solar eclipses, being potent times for new beginnings, are ideal for manifestation rituals. Write down your intentions on a piece of paper, meditate on them, and then safely burn the paper as a symbolic offering to the universe.
  2. Cord-Cutting Ceremony: Lunar eclipses are optimal times for letting go. Engage in a cord-cutting ritual to release ties to past relationships or situations that no longer serve you.
  3. Meditation Circle: Whether virtual or in-person, gathering with like-minded individuals to meditate can amplify the energies and create a supportive environment.
  4. Chakra Balancing: Perform a chakra-cleaning meditation to open up your energy pathways, making it easier for the transformative eclipse energies to flow through you.

How to Prepare One’s Mind and Space for the Eclipse

  1. Mindfulness and Grounding: Spend some time grounding yourself through deep breathing or mindfulness exercises before engaging in any ritual.
  2. Cleanse Your Space: Use sage, palo santo, or salt water to purify your environment, removing any stagnant energy.
  3. Set Up an Altar: Arrange an altar with items that are meaningful to you, such as photographs, keepsakes, or sacred texts, to act as focal points for your intentions.

Crystals, Herbs, or Mantras That Can Enhance the Experience

  • Crystals: Moonstone and selenite are excellent for lunar eclipses, enhancing intuition and emotional balance. For solar eclipses, consider using sunstone or citrine to boost energy and creativity.
  • Herbs: Sage for cleansing, lavender for calm, and rosemary for clarity are excellent choices. You can use these as incense, in teas, or as essential oils.
  • Mantras: Choose a mantra that aligns with your intention for the eclipse. For example, you might use "So Hum" for self-discovery or "Om Mani Padme Hum" for universal love and compassion.

Eclipses are transformative by nature, and incorporating rituals and spiritual practices can provide a framework to harness this energy intentionally. Preparing your mind and space enables you to approach the eclipse from a place of inner harmony, while the use of metaphysical tools like crystals and herbs can further fine-tune your vibrational frequency. As we've seen throughout this series, understanding and aligning with eclipse energies can be a powerful avenue for personal and spiritual growth.

Final Thoughts

As we've journeyed through the cosmic landscape of eclipses, it's become evident that these celestial events are not mere astronomical phenomena; they are potent catalysts for transformation and change, especially in the realm of astrology. Understanding eclipse energy offers a nuanced lens through which we can examine our lives, helping us to engage with significant shifts in our personal and collective journeys.

Eclipses open doors to new possibilities, acting as cosmic nudges that encourage us to evolve. From the scientific intricacies of the Saros Cycle to the astrological influences of the Moon's nodes, eclipses are a multidimensional experience that can deeply impact our emotional, spiritual, and even physical states. By tapping into this vibrant energy through rituals, meditation, or astrological investigation, we have the opportunity to align ourselves with the universe's natural rhythms, making space for introspection, growth, and positive change.

So, as we approach the next eclipse season, I encourage you to be an active participant in your celestial narrative. Mark the dates, set your intentions, and prepare yourself mentally and spiritually for what's to come. Use this period as a time to reflect, reassess, and perhaps even reinvent aspects of your life that are calling for transformation.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of eclipse energy in astrology. May your journey through the upcoming eclipses be enlightening and filled with purpose.

Thank you for reading

Sarah 💜

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Hi! I’m Sarah,

It's a pleasure to introduce myself to you. I'm an Astrologer, Creatrix and life enhancement enthusiast. Plus, I'm a total nerd!

But that's not all. I'm also a proud dog mum to my two beautiful fur-babies. They bring me so much joy and are a constant reminder of the beauty and love that surrounds us.

If you'd like to know more about me and my interests, check out my ‘About Me’ page.

I'm excited to connect with you!

Sarah 💜