Wellbeing - My Word of the Year for 2023


Wellbeing - My Word of the Year for 2023

Each year, I come up with a Word of the Year. For 2023, this word is Wellbeing.

I have a cool little process for creating a word of the year, which I would like to share with you in this article.

You will need:

  • A copy of my free Word of the Year Journey Worksheet
  • A deck of Tarot or Oracle Cards
  • A pen for journaling
  • 15-30 minutes of self care time

Free Word of the Year Worksheet

In fact, you can grab a free journey worksheet by entering your details below.

Word of the Year Worksheet

Choose Your Deck

Firstly, pick a Tarot or Oracle deck to work with. This year, I’m working with the Witches Wisdom Tarot by Phyllis Curott and Danielle Barlow. This deck was a Christmas treat to myself, and it seemed like the perfect energy to begin the year.

The Witches Wisdom Tarot

The Process

The process is simple. Just shuffle your deck and draw two cards.

The first card gives you the theme for the year. This is the underlying energy you are working with for the next 12 months.

The second card is your focus. This is where you should place your attention to increase your chance of success in what you want to achieve this year.

Word of the Year Exploration

My Reading

I drew the 9 of Air for my theme and the Ace of Earth for my focus.

Witches Wisdom Tarot Word of the Year

The 9 of Air is a card of transition. It talks about endings, change and new beginnings.

The Ace of Earth is a healing card concerned with life, health, and the bigger picture.

Going Deeper

To extract more information from each card, I reflect on the cards, meaning relative to it’s position in this two card spread, then expand on this using the journaling prompts inside the journey worksheet.

The card reflection allows for a more intuitive and spiritual connection to the cards, while the journaling helps bring this guidance into the real world with practical and actionable support.

Word of the Year and the Witches Wisdom Tarot

Choosing a Word

From the card pull, reflection and journaling, I ruminate on my worksheet exploration for a while and allow a word to come to me.

I often write down more than one thing in the beginning, making a note of anything that comes to mind until one word stands out and I get a ‘knowing’ that it’s the right one.


My word of the year is wellbeing. My cards highlighted how I need to do things differently, with my primary focus on health and vitality.

Through my journaling, I understood that a holistic approach to wellness needs to be taken, and this isn’t just about health and fitness, but the whole mind, body, spirit package.

This year is about prioritising my wellbeing so that I can achieve my goals, rather than pushing for my goals and mopping up any wellbeing issues along the way. I guess you could say I am going for prevention rather than cure, which also fits in with doing things differently.

Got Your Word of the Year, What’s Next?

  • Come and share it on my word of the year post either on Facebook or Instagram.

  • Create a journey folder and add your word of the year worksheet at the front to remind you of where to place your attention this year.
  • Make time each month to return to your word of the year, and use the notes page in the worksheet to expand and explore how this word is showing up for you. By returning to it regularly, it won’t get forgotten about, and you can gain greater guidance and insight as your travel through the year.

Sarah 💜

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Sarah Cornforth The Magickal Creatrix 2-min

Hi, I'm Sarah... 

..astrologer, creatrix and life improvement enthusiast

I’m a big fan of using every tool available to create our best lives. It’s not always easy to see life’s challenges as opportunities, but as we learn to tune in to our own needs, explore our behaviours and make better future decisions, it becomes possible to craft an amazing journey for ourselves and those around us. My goal is to help you explore your own life, habits and behaviours in a way that can benefit you and those around you.

If you loved this article, then you’re going to love Cosmic Cuppa, my Monday morning motivational emails, where I share a peek behind the scenes of my own life and how I use astrology, at and self-development to explore ways to show up and be better every day. I also send a digest of my weekly blog articles every Thursday. 

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Hi! I’m Sarah,

It's a pleasure to introduce myself to you. I'm an Astrologer, Creatrix and life enhancement enthusiast. Plus, I'm a total nerd!

But that's not all. I'm also a proud dog mum to my two beautiful fur-babies. They bring me so much joy and are a constant reminder of the beauty and love that surrounds us.

If you'd like to know more about me and my interests, check out my ‘About Me’ page.

I'm excited to connect with you!

Sarah 💜