How to Work with Seasonal & Cosmic Energy

How to Work with Seasonal & Cosmic Energy-min

The Energetic Ebb & Flow

All throughout the year, the energy that surrounds and influences us, ebbs and flows.

One day it can feel heavy, uncomfortable or oppressive. Another day, it can feel light, airy and positive. Or it can be anything in between. I'm sure you have noticed how no two days ever feel the same?

What is Energy?

What do we mean when we talk about the energetic influences around us?

As Einstein said, “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it”.

Energy vibrates. Everything vibrates. And the frequency at which things vibrate determines the type of energy.

However, there are many factors which can cause the vibrational frequency of energy to change, such as:

  • Astrological events
  • Collective consciousness
  • Life events
  • Natural cycles

Dealing with Constantly Changing Energies

The vibrational frequency of our personal energy and the energy around us is constantly changing. What we are trying to aim for is more time spent at a higher vibrational frequency than a low one.

When the energy is high vibe, we feel good, positive things happen, and we feel in flow. When the vibe is low, we feel bad, challenging things happen, and obstacles and problems seem to increase.

Why Connect with the Seasons & Cycles

Connecting with the seasons, cycles and cosmic energies is a great tool for personal growth, self-development and self-care.

4 Way to Tune into the Monthly Vibe

  1. Awareness - be aware of what’s coming
  2. Exploration - explore what the energies mean for you
  3. Reflection - expand on the lessons learned
  4. Repeat - do it all over again

Journey Through the Seasons & Cycles of 2023

This is where my guided journey comes in.

2023 will be the third year I’ve run this, and I’m so excited for this year’s version, as we have so many extra amazing things going on.

Seasons and Cycles is a journey through the ebb and flow of the natural and cosmic cycles of the year. Each month, I send you an updated journey for the month ahead. Using your favourite Tarot or Oracle cards, you work through the prompts, drawing cards, expanding on the journaling questions, and enjoying the personalised journey of self-discovery this takes you. It’s the perfect way to feel more connected, in tune and in sync with yourself and the Universe.

Grab the Limited Time Pre-Order Discount

As a collector of Tarot & Oracle cards, I love any excuse to dive into a good reading and extract the juicy guidance it has to offer.

A few years ago, I began craving some structure to my readings. A purpose. Something that helped me feel in alignment with the energetic influences around me. I began to create my own spreads, to explore significant astrological events and special times of the years.

This evolved into a monthly spread, which incorporated the important events on the month. From this, the Seasons & Cycle Journey was born.

Each month, I guide you through the major energetic periods, showing you how to use your favourite decks to join the dots, notice the patterns and explore the deeper relationships of the year head.

Join the Seasons & Cycles Journey

The Seasons and Cycles Tarot Journey is for you if....

  • You want practical guidance all year long
  • You love working with Tarot or Oracle cards
  • You already enjoy journaling or want to start a regular journaling practice
  • You want to explore your spiritual side and incorporate it into your daily life
  • You are ready to embark on a year long journey of self-discovery
  • You are interested in Astrology and the energies of the Universe

Join Today

Inside the Monthly Journey Guide

Each month, I will take you on a journey through the important energies of the month ahead, and then guide you through drawing your Tarot or Oracle cards to dive into what those energies mean for you.

Features of the guides include;

  • Significant Life Events Tracker
  • Astrological Events Timeline
  • Monthly Theme, Exploration & Word of the Month
  • New & Full Moon Connection
  • Seasonal Energetic Themes
  • Astrological Season, Sun Sign and Ruling Planet
  • Wheel of the Year Connection
  • Mercury Retrograde
  • End of Month Reflection

Join me in 2023!

I would love for you to join me on this journey through 2023.

My promise to you is that if you show up each month to connect with the themes in your monthly guide, you will start to see the results I've witnessed in myself, including:

  • Being more aware of my own energy
  • Identifying my dreams and goals with ease
  • A feeling of inner knowing and understanding
  • Finding it easier to plan ahead
  • Improved mood and mindset
  • Spending more time in a higher vibrational frequency
  • Able to support those around me
  • Increased curiosity in everything
  • Boosted creativity
  • Levels of patience, hope and belief vastly improved

Showing up for this journey takes me a couple of hours each month. That's all!

I see this as an important part of my self-car practice, and for this reason it is scheduled into my calendar with the same importance as a trip to the doctor.

Inside December 2022 Seasons & Cycles

Let me show you what you get inside the December Seasons & Cycles in the below video. 

Sarah Cornforth The Magickal Creatrix 2-min

Hi, I'm Sarah... 

..astrologer, artist and life improvement enthusiast

I’m a big fan of using every tool available to create our best lives. It’s not always easy to see life’s challenges as opportunities, but as we learn to tune in to our own needs, explore our behaviours and make better future decisions, it becomes possible to craft an amazing journey for ourselves and those around us. My goal is to help you explore your own life, habits and behaviours in a way that can benefit you and those around you.

If you loved this article, then you’re going to love Cosmic Cuppa, my Monday morning motivational emails, where I share a peek behind the scenes of my own life and how I use astrology, at and self-development to explore ways to show up and be better every day. I also send a digest of my weekly blog articles every Thursday. 

How to Embrace Change
What I Learned Working with the Seasons & Cycles in 2022


Hi! I’m Sarah,

It's a pleasure to introduce myself to you. I'm an Astrologer, Creatrix and life enhancement enthusiast. Plus, I'm a total nerd!

But that's not all. I'm also a proud dog mum to my two beautiful fur-babies. They bring me so much joy and are a constant reminder of the beauty and love that surrounds us.

If you'd like to know more about me and my interests, check out my ‘About Me’ page.

I'm excited to connect with you!

Sarah 💜