Get Ready for 2023

Get Ready for 2023
As we nudge our way towards 2023, I want to share some ways to prepare for the year ahead.
I‘m going to share some free and paid options for you. With regards to my products, please note all my prices will be going up in 2023, which means you have limited time to get involved at 2022 prices.
Word of the Year 2023 Freebie
A word of the year helps you theme the year head. I’ve been creating a word of the year for most of my self-employed life, as it keeps me focused on a particular vibrational energy. It’s also good to return to when I feel as though I’m off track.
I’ve created a free Word of the Year Journey Worksheet for you to guide you to using your favourite tarot/oracle card deck to come up with your Word of the Year.
Grab Your Free Word of the Year Journey
Seasons and Cycles 2023
If you love creating a word of the year, then you will want to get your hands on my Seasons and Cycles Journey for 2023.
Each month, you are guided to create a word of the month and connect to the ebb and flow of the cosmic and planetary cycles using your tarot/oracle cards and expansive journaling prompts. This is one of the most powerful self-care practices I do throughout the year, and I would love for you to join me in 2023.
Note: Save £30 by signing up before the price increase
Language of Your Birth Chart Report
Have you always wanted to understand more about your astrological birth chart, but have no idea where to start?
My Language of Your Birth Chart Report is a personalised, beautifully designed 60+ page document that guides you to understanding and identifying the unique features of your birth chart. All you need to order your chart is your date, time and place of birth.
Note: Save £50 by signing up before the price increase
Moon Portal Online Membership
Connect with the changing lunar energies of every new and full Moon of the year inside my Moon Portal Online Membership.
Each month together, we explore the energetic guidance of each lunar event, creating a cosmic self-care practice like no other.
Note: Save £60 a year by signing up before the price increase
Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide
Mercury goes retrograde on 29th December, spanning the bridge between one year and the next. This can be a disruptive energy, as we navigate the New Year. Grab your Mercury Retrograde Survival guide and journey workbook for the December 2022 Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and discover your personal guidance, lessons and wisdom for the final Mercury Retrograde of the year.
Hi, I'm Sarah...Â
..astrologer, creatrix and life improvement enthusiast
I’m a big fan of using every tool available to create our best lives. It’s not always easy to see life’s challenges as opportunities, but as we learn to tune in to our own needs, explore our behaviours and make better future decisions, it becomes possible to craft an amazing journey for ourselves and those around us. My goal is to help you explore your own life, habits and behaviours in a way that can benefit you and those around you.
If you loved this article, then you’re going to love Cosmic Cuppa, my Monday morning motivational emails, where I share a peek behind the scenes of my own life and how I use astrology, at and self-development to explore ways to show up and be better every day. I also send a digest of my weekly blog articles every Thursday.Â

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Hi! I’m Sarah,
It's a pleasure to introduce myself to you. I'm an Astrologer, Creatrix and life enhancement enthusiast. Plus, I'm a total nerd!
But that's not all. I'm also a proud dog mum to my two beautiful fur-babies. They bring me so much joy and are a constant reminder of the beauty and love that surrounds us.
If you'd like to know more about me and my interests, check out my ‘About Me’ page.
I'm excited to connect with you!
Sarah 💜
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