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How to Celebrate the End (2)-min

How to Celebrate the End

Do you forget to celebrate when you've finished something, achieved a goal or completed a project? Yeah, me too, and I want to change that with your help. Let's find ways to celebrate the end before starting the next thing together.


Finding Ways to Challenge Yourself (2)-min

Finding Ways to Challenge Yourself

I didn't realise how much I needed a new challenge in my life until I set a new one. Things have felt stale and boring for a while....thank you pandemic!. Is it time to shake things up a bit in your life too?


How to Work with Tarot and Oracle Card Spreads (1)

How to Work with Tarot & Oracle Card Spreads

A Tarot or Oracle card spread is a themed layout for your cards, prompting you to explore a specific theme or question. The great thing about working with spreads is that it encourages you to go deeper into your reading. Find out more about how to work with Tarot & Oracle card spreads.


How to Create the Perfect Morning Routine (2)-min

How to Create the Perfect Morning Routine

The perfect morning routine changes with your needs, seasons and goals. You don't need to stick to something that isn't working just because it's meant to be the best way to start your day. I change my morning routine as soon as it gets stale. Read more about my morning routine and how I make changes throughout the year in this article.


Nature & Mental Health-min

Nature and Mental Health

Nature is medicine. It's a proven fact that getting outside often has a positive impact on both our physical and mental health. In this article, I share some ways to connect with nature, even if the weather outside is typically British (i.e. wet and windy). Check out my top 5 challenges to regular nature breaks and how to beat them.


4 Common Mistakes When Learning Astrology (2)-min

4 Common Mistakes when Learning Astrology

One of these 4 mistakes could be holding you back from learning about astrology the way you would like to. I've fallen prey to all these at one time or another, which is why I not only share the mistakes, but also some solutions and my personal recommendations too!


Don't Know your Time of Birth (2)

Donā€™t Know Your Time of Birth for your Natal Chart?

Not knowing your time of birth is more common than you may realise. Although it's impossible to get an accurate chart without it, there are still things you can do and ways to get curious about what you birth chart says about you. In this article, we explore the possibilities if you don't know your birth time.


How to Create Your Reality (3)

How to Create Your Reality

Do you often feel that the life you want to create is constantly out of reach? We all get like that from time to time. But what if you have more control over your reality than you realise. In this article, I talk about taking back your power and creating the life you want by visualising your dreams and goals.