My New Moon in Aquarius Wishes

My New Moon in Aquarius Wishes
Did you make a wish on the New Moon on 1st February?
I spent some time setting my intentions in alignment with the energy of Aquarius.
Want to see mine?
I have taken out a few details that are personal to my goals, but you will still get an idea of how I set out my wishes and intentions for the cycle ahead.
Here goes.....
My New Moon in Aquarius Wishes
- GROUPS - I want to easily feel comfortable meeting new people and interacting with others.
- MONEY - I want to embrace doing things differently with regards to my money blocks and be open to all the advice and guidance available inside (current mentorship programme).
- UNIQUE - I want to notice the characteristics and zones of genius that make me stand out from the crowd and use them to attract more customers and clients into my business.
- MOON PORTAL - I want to attract (insert number) of new monthly subscribers to the Moon Portal Membership, while the doors are open during February.
So what's next?
There are three things I like to do now.
- Determine how I can quantify my success
- Create a set of action steps to make my wishes come true
- Take the first step, then keep going
Let's break these down further.
1. Determine how I can quantify my success
This is all about knowing when you have achieved what you set out to achieve. Some of these things are easier than others.
For example, my goal for new Moon Portal members can be measured by the number of sign ups, so that one is simple.
However, what about "I want to easily feel comfortable meeting new people and interacting with others"?
Firstly, I need to put myself in situations where I meet new people and interact in groups. If I don't, then nothing will happen with this goal.
Next, I will journal my experiences relative to the previous experience. I can judge my improvement in this area by exploring my personal experience.
How about "I want to notice the characteristics and zones of genius that make me stand out from the crowd and use them to attract more customers and clients into my business"?
Firstly, I need to become aware of my unique characteristics by keeping this theme top of mind all cycle. As something comes up, I will then acknowledge and address it further.
This may feel a little fuzzy, but I know from experience that by already being aware of this goal, I will notice so much more than usual, and often there will be greater alignment to my understanding and exploration of this goal.
2. Create a set of action steps to make my wishes come true
Manifesting on a New Moon is not a passive process. We can't just make a list, sit back and wait for things to happen to us and for us. Instead, we need to remind the Universe of what we want by taking action.
For each of the items on my wish list, I spend time writing out a set of action steps to move me forward.
This becomes my plan during the lunar cycle. I keep it in my planner so that I can see it every day.
I have shared the first action step for each of my goals below. I spend time exploring the stages in more detail to give myself a plan to make things happen.
- Plan to attend social/group events
- Continue to work through the programme and take action on the guidance
- Notice and acknowledge my unique zone of genius
- Open the doors to the Moon Portal Membership for February
3. Take the first step, then keep going
A wish without an action plan is just a dream, and an action plan without action is just a wish. It's important to move forward, take action, and make things happen.
Often the first step is the hardest, so look at your wishes and your action plan and take one step today. Once that's done, the rest will flow.
Why are wishes so much effort?
Like I said, this process isn't passive. It's important that we take action. At first, this can seem like a lot of effort, but with practice, you will notice that things begin to naturally line up. Your actions will align with what you are trying to achieve. Soon notice that instead of feeling as though you're constantly swimming up stream, things will be easier and more comfortable. Success will appear as if by magic, and you will be aware of the potential opportunities that present themselves.
Tell me your thoughts
- Do you have your own manifesting story?
- Have you noticed the power of the Moon in your own life?
Let me know in the comments below
Other resources to check out
BLOG - How I Manifested my Dream House on the New Moon
BLOG - Setting Powerful New Moon Intentions
FREE MOON CLASS - New Moon in Aquarius Intention Setting

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Hi! I’m Sarah,
It's a pleasure to introduce myself to you. I'm an Astrologer, Creatrix and life enhancement enthusiast. Plus, I'm a total nerd!
But that's not all. I'm also a proud dog mum to my two beautiful fur-babies. They bring me so much joy and are a constant reminder of the beauty and love that surrounds us.
If you'd like to know more about me and my interests, check out my ‘About Me’ page.
I'm excited to connect with you!
Sarah 💜
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