How to Prepare for the Full Moon

How to Prepare for the Full Moon
I want to start by saying there are no right or wrong ways to enjoy working with the new and full Moons. I believe that showing up for your lunar lessons each cycle is the most important part of the practice, and how you do this is all down to you.
However, I want to share my own practice with you, as I know from experience that seeing what others get up to is inspiring when trying to create a new ritual or routine. Let’s face it, we all love to have a nosey into the world of someone else, don’t we?
Let's look behind the scenes at how I prepare for the full Moon
My Moon Work Journey
When I started getting curious about the Moon and Astrology, I was so confused by the massive amount of information out there.
I decided to create a simple and practical guide to working with the Moon in my daily life. This evolved over the years and has now become the Moon Portal Online Membership.
As I prepare for the Full Moon, I use the gorgeous guides I create to structure my Moon practice. I want to take you behind the scenes and show you what this looks like.
Step 1 - Download & Print my Moon Guide
Every month inside the Moon Portal Online Membership, I create a full colour, super gorgeous guide to working with each new Moon and Full Moon.
The guide is packed full of information for reference and learning, which is great for understanding the astrology of the Moon.
For the personal side of things, we go deep with journaling questions, fun exercises, tarot readings and much more.
Step 2 - Schedule Time in My Calendar
For me, if it’s not in my calendar, it doesn’t happen.
I don’t limit my calendar to work and responsibilities, but also include my personal development, learning and spiritual growth.
I believe it’s all connected, and as Moon work is important to me, it should be given priority in my life.
There are optimum times to work with each new and full Moon, and they change depending on:
- When the Moon enters the sign of the full Moon
- Other planetary events
- When the Moon goes Void of Course
- Life events
To help manage this each cycle, the Moon guide includes a breakdown of when to best work with the Full Moon. This makes it easier for me to schedule my time.
For this Full Moon, the optimum time to work with the energy is after the Moon enters the sign of Leo on 14th February, but before the Moon goes Void of Course on 16th February.
Based on this information, I’ve scheduled some time on the afternoon of 16th February before the void of course Moon to enjoy my Full Moon practice
Information Note: A void of course Moon is when the Moon has made her last planetary aspect (connection) before changing signs. This generates a period of ‘lunar limbo’ when the Moon isn’t active, and we are encouraged to step back and reconnect.
Step 3 - Do my Favourite Part First - The Tarot!
Time is precious and limited, so I like to begin my practice by doing my favourite thing, which is grabbing my tarot cards and exploring the exclusive tarot card spread, which I design to specifically help tap into the guidance of the Moon I am working with.
For the Full Moon in Leo, the spread is called Explore Your Passions, and it is designed to go deep into the truth about my passions and dreams, and why I am holding back on doing the things I love most.
I have a feeling this could be rather enlightening.
Step 4 - Journal
Inside the Moon Guide, I create a number of journaling sections. The first is an exploration of the Full Moon theme, and in this case, we are exploring Passion vs Fear. Passion is connected to the sign of Leo, and fear often holds us back from exploring our passions in full.
The exercise I have created helps look at fear and passion, how they show up in your life, how to reframe your fears and make way for the things you are most passionate about.
I’m looking forward to getting stuck into this one, as I’ve known for a while that I put my passions to one side too often.
I also create journaling questions to take this theme even further. With the hindsight of my tarot reading, I can dive deep into the questions and gain insights I would usually miss.
Hand on heart, I’ve had mind-blowing epiphanies through this process many times!
Step 5 - Make an Action List
I fully believe none of this work means a thing if we don’t take action.
I could explore, learn, journal and read my cards every full Moon then do nothing with the information, and I would probably stay exactly where I am.
I don’t work with the Moon to stay where I am. I work with the Moon to grow, evolve, become better and understand myself further.
This is why the final part to this practice is creating a list of action steps based on the deep dive I’ve just been through, in alignment with the specific theme of the Moon I am working with.
This action list then becomes my focus until the next New Moon, when I will review it as I set my intentions for the cycle ahead.
How to Create Your Own Full Moon Practice
Creating a full Moon practice can be as simple as just taking time to explore the Full Moon energy.
Schedule some time in your calendar to explore the energy by journaling how you feel.
Perhaps grab your favourite tarot or oracle deck and ask “what does this full Moon want me to know?”
If you want to explore the astrology and personal lessons of each full Moon in greater depth, let me be your guide inside the Moon Portal Online Membership.
The doors open a few times a year and are open right now, making it the perfect time to begin your lunar journey with me.
Tell me Your Thoughts
- Do you have a full Moon practice?
- Would you like to create a full Moon practice, but don’t know where to start?
Let me know in the comments below
Other Resources to Check Out
Blog - Raise Your Vibration by Saying Thank You on the Full Moon
Moon Portal Online Membership - Join Today

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Hi! I’m Sarah,
It's a pleasure to introduce myself to you. I'm an Astrologer, Creatrix and life enhancement enthusiast. Plus, I'm a total nerd!
But that's not all. I'm also a proud dog mum to my two beautiful fur-babies. They bring me so much joy and are a constant reminder of the beauty and love that surrounds us.
If you'd like to know more about me and my interests, check out my ‘About Me’ page.
I'm excited to connect with you!
Sarah 💜
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